Coffee Morning
Each Tuesday morning throughout the greater part of the year we hold a Coffee Morning in the Church Lounge from 10.15 to 11.15.
There is no charge made, and we are delighted to welcome anyone from the area who cares to drop in. We also have tea available for those who prefer tea to coffee, and there is always a selection of cakes and biscuits on the tables to go with whatever your choice may be.
Once a month, for the final 15 to 20 minutes, we have an invited speaker to give us a 'Table Talk' on a Christian-based theme of their choice. At other times we conclude by singing a few favourite hymns chosen by those present.
A week or two before Christmas we bring our year's activities to a close with a short Christmas Service followed by a Christmas Lunch.
If you're free on a Tuesday morning between 10.15 and 11.15 we'd be delighted to have you join us.